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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Insert Image/Logo into Windows Live Mail Signature

An YOCC client recently had trouble with this, and I have to admit it had me stumped for a bit. Grateful for the WWW and folks like:

  1. http://www.pcmech.com/article/creating-advanced-e-mail-signatures-with-windows-live-mail/ (Rich Menga and co-conspirators)

  2. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/wlgeneraldev/thread/02386ab6-67fe-4fab-b51e-13fc05de8458 (Sylvain Boisse and Sourabh Gupta)

  3. http://www.timeatlas.com/email/general/create_image_signatures_in_windows_mail_or_live_mail (Anne Hennegar)

Rich's approach was the one that clicked in my environment - Windows Vista Ultimate, SP2, 32 bit and Windows Live Mail, Version 2009, Build 14.0.8117.0416. Pretty certain it's not relevant, but just in case - IE 7.0.6002.18005, 256 bit cipher strength.

Don't know if it was an active success ingredient or not, and Sourabh's tip to uncheck the "block download images" option on the Security tab of the Safety Options link on the Options Menu was part of the solution I deployed in my environment.

Also, Anne Hennegar appears to have an approach that might work in other set-ups and environments from mine. She was helpful enough to give me an e-mail response while I was still scratching my head on this one.

Like I said - gratitude to all.

It will be interesting to see what happens on my client's environment - a Windows 7 environment.


  1. Hi there, How grateful am I that there is people like you out there posting this sort of info. I am in the process of creating a signature file with an image using Windows Live Mail. I have followed your instructions by the line, done everthing that was suggested and I still can't see my image. Does anyone have any other ideas how to sovle my problem? Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers CG

  2. Hi, I followed Anne Hennegar's instructions to a t, unfortunately I still get an empty box representing my image.

    Please help.

  3. Same here - have spent hours following your instructions, re-checking that I'd followed them exactly, but no - still have the box with the red X! Help appreciated. Jean

  4. Count me in...still have no image using WLM on a Win7 64-bit following both your and Anne's instructions.

  5. Same here...followed instructions to a T, still got the red box. Very grateful for guys like you who post thiskind of help though, so thank you.

  6. Just had a thought....does it matter if the image opens with Firefox or IE?

  7. I also followed all the instructions to a T and still get the red box has anyone got any further advice? I would be eternally grateful, Merry Christmas angela (info@timetravellers.co.uk)

  8. I'm having same problem after numerous attempts at this.. Not working in Windows Live Mail 2011..
